"Neighbor Friendly Chimes"
No More Tube Banging!
Custom designs, tunings, and colors available for prepaid orders. Please allow 5 to 6 weeks for custom orders!
My standard models produce about as low a tone as most people are willing to pay for.
The human ear has trouble telling low notes apart unless you are very near the source, even 20 feet is enough for the very low notes to sound the same. I have made a chime with six tubes from aluminum tubing that was 4 inches in diameter and 3/16 inch wall thickness. When it rings the notes seem to last forever, note selection allows for no discord and you can hear the individual notes. BUT you get a deep bell like sound as compared to the melodic sounds of my standard chimes.
This chime is 14 feet long and weighed over 110 pounds. Making it was painful and hanging it life threatening. The customer loves it and the sound carries for blocks, if the weather permits. When you stand under this chime (about 6 inches under the Sail) you will swear your hair is vibrating when it plays.
My chimes are powder coated and there are many colors available. If I stock your color, the price is reasonable, but if it is a special order, the price goes way up as I have to buy it in bulk and may not use it again.
Custom images on the sails are an option (approximations of sports team logos, words, simple outline images, etc). Do not expect portrait reproductions, this is a two color image (clear and white which is burned in by a laser). I do not recommend paint as it will not last long in the weather/sunlight before it peels from the Sail.
I have made sports themed chimes for Seahawks, San Francisco, UW, Eastern, and others. This is a great way for a chime lover to get a chime to listen to and for it to be a gift to the sports lover at the same time!