"Neighbor Friendly Chimes"
No More Tube Banging!
There is nothing to assemble!
It is best to have two people, one to hold the top plate and one to guide the Striker, Windcage, and Sail down over the tubes. You are done once ALL the strings are hanging straight down. The tubes pass thru the Windcage small holes. The Sail string hangs down thru the Windcage center hole.
For one person; try holding the top plate in one hand and as you lift the top plate out of the box use your other hand to guide everything into position.
It helps a lot if you have somewhere to hang the chime top plate from while trying to get everything into position. That way you are not trying to support the weight of the chime while you are getting everything lined up.
This is a wind driven instrument; you may/will have to find the best location for it to be in the wind. Higher is better than close to the ground. Buildings make wonderful wind breaks. A chime in the wind shadow of the building will not play very often, if at all. Figure out your prevailing wind direction and then find a suitable location. The sound from the chime is easily heard within 30 feet or so. Please remember that insulated windows also block sound, you may have to open one or more windows to hear your chimes.
It is best to hang the chime directly from the ring on the chime to the support. Do not hang the chime from a swivel. Hanging from a chain, rope, etc. will work but the whole chime may swing in the wind.
Hang the chime so that the Sail does not bang into anything!
The chimes are heavy and strong winds will increase the force on whatever you have chosen to hang the chime. The support point should be able to take at least 3 times the weight of the chime.
All chimes produce rub marks on the tubes from the striker/Windcage. If the striker or Windcage is leaving a deposit of material (will look like dust), this can be washed off or ignored.
Over time the tubes will become “polished” where the Striker or Windcage contact them. This is unavoidable and will not affect the sound quality of the chime.
Simple soap and water will clean the chime, please do not use solvents.
I have tried hard to make these chimes “neighbor friendly”, after about 100 feet the sound is very muted.
Chimes are in effect mechanical devices and consequently will “wear”. All materials were selected to provide years of trouble free enjoyment from your chimes in all but the very worst wind storms. They do not need to be coddled.
Should there be any problems please contact me right away!